Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Foxtail Palm

The Foxtail Palm Tree, besides that botanically referred to as Wodyetia bifurcate features a complete, dark-green beauty. The Foxtail Palm Cedar is one of very popularly used palm tree in the Southeast United states of america. This palm tree is certain to satisfy every palm tree enthusiast.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Windmill palm

Windmill palm is a great cold hardy plant with tropical appearance. Windmill palm often used as an ornamnetal for its beautiful fanlike leaves that up to 3 feet wide and highly cold resistance. Windmill palm creates a tropical garden. It looks great near pools, decks and patios. Windmill palm is cold tolerant to about 15 degrees F.Native to China.It is suitable for cold winter climates in southern Russia (Sochi), northern Europe, Canada and United States.USDA zoens: 5 to 10.